Crunchy Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Potatoes: A Savory Delight

When it comes to comfort food, few things can beat a generous serving of perfectly roasted potatoes. Add the aromatic flavors of garlic and rosemary, and you have a winning combination that will tantalize your taste buds. In this article, we explore the art of making Crunchy Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Potatoes—a simple yet satisfying side dish that will elevate any meal. Get ready to experience the heavenly aroma and delectable crunch of these flavor-packed potatoes.

Crunchy Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Potatoes: A Savory Delight

1. Selecting the Right Potatoes:
For this recipe, choose starchy potatoes such as russet, Yukon gold, or Idaho potatoes. These varieties have a fluffy interior and crispy exterior when roasted, making them ideal for achieving the desired texture.

2. Preparing the Potatoes:
Start by washing and scrubbing the potatoes to remove any dirt. If desired, peel the potatoes for a smoother texture, although leaving the skin on adds a rustic appeal. Cut the potatoes into even-sized cubes or wedges to ensure even cooking.

3. Infusing Flavors with Garlic and Rosemary:
Peel and finely chop several cloves of fresh garlic. Strip the leaves from a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and roughly chop them. In a mixing bowl, combine the potatoes, chopped garlic, chopped rosemary, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Toss the ingredients together until the potatoes are evenly coated with the aromatic mixture.

4. Roasting for Crispy Perfection:
Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil for easy cleanup. Spread the coated potatoes in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet, making sure they are not overcrowded. This allows the potatoes to roast evenly and develop a crispy exterior.

5. Cooking to Golden Perfection:
Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and roast the potatoes for approximately 30-40 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crispy. Flip the potatoes once or twice during cooking to ensure even browning on all sides. The exact cooking time may vary depending on the size of the potato pieces, so keep an eye on them as they cook.

Crunchy Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Potatoes: A Savory Delight

6. Serving and Enjoying:
Once the potatoes are beautifully golden and crunchy, remove them from the oven and let them cool slightly. Transfer them to a serving dish and garnish with additional fresh rosemary leaves for an extra touch of visual appeal. Serve the Crunchy Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Potatoes as a flavorful side dish alongside roasted meats, grilled vegetables, or as a standalone appetizer.

Variations and Tips:

1. Parmesan Crusted Potatoes: Add a twist to the recipe by sprinkling grated Parmesan cheese over the potatoes during the last 10 minutes of cooking. The cheese will melt and create a deliciously crispy and savory crust.
2. Lemon Zest Infusion: For a vibrant citrus flavor, add the zest of one lemon to the potato mixture before roasting. The tangy zest pairs beautifully with the garlic and rosemary, creating a refreshing twist.
3. Spicy Kick: If you enjoy a bit of heat, sprinkle some red pepper flakes or paprika over the potatoes before roasting. This will add a subtle spiciness and depth of flavor to the dish.
4. Herb Medley: Experiment with different herb combinations to suit your taste. Fresh thyme, sage, or oregano can be used in place of or in addition to rosemary, adding their unique flavors to the roasted potatoes.
5. Crispy Wedges: Instead of cutting the potatoes into cubes, slice them into thick wedges for a different presentation. The larger surface area will result in even crispier edges.
6. Double Roasting Method: For an extra crunchy texture, try parboiling the potatoes for a few minutes before roasting. This method involves partially cooking the potatoes in boiling water, draining them, and then roasting them until golden brown and crispy.


  • - 2 pounds (900g) starchy potatoes (russet, Yukon gold, or Idaho), peeled or unpeeled
  • - 4-6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • - 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves, chopped
  • - 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • - Salt and pepper, to taste

Crunchy Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Potatoes: A Savory Delight


1. Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil for easy cleanup.
2. Prepare the Potatoes: Wash and scrub the potatoes to remove any dirt. Cut them into even-sized cubes or wedges. If you prefer a softer interior, parboil the potatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain and pat them dry.
3. Season the Potatoes: In a mixing bowl, combine the potatoes, chopped garlic, chopped rosemary, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Toss the ingredients together until the potatoes are evenly coated with the seasoning mixture.
4. Roasting the Potatoes: Spread the potatoes in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet, ensuring they are not overcrowded. This allows the potatoes to roast evenly and develop a crispy exterior.
5. Roast in the Oven: Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and roast the potatoes for approximately 30-40 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crispy. Flip the potatoes once or twice during cooking to ensure even browning on all sides.
6. Serve and Enjoy: Once the potatoes are beautifully golden and crunchy, remove them from the oven and let them cool slightly. Transfer them to a serving dish and serve hot. The Crunchy Roasted Garlic and Rosemary Potatoes make a delicious side dish for a variety of meals.

Note: Cooking times may vary depending on the size and type of potatoes, so keep an eye on them as they cook to achieve the desired level of crispiness.
