Perfect Pandan Chiffon Cake


Pandan Chiffon Cake Recipeis a light and airy sponge cake that has a distinct pandan flavor and aroma. Pandan is a tropical plant that is commonly used in Southeast Asian cooking, particularly in desserts and gives the cake its green color and unique flavor.

Perfect Pandan Chiffon Cake
Perfect Pandan Chiffon Cake

How To Make

The cake is made by separating the eggs and whipping the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, which are then folded into a batter made with egg yolks, sugar, oil, flour, baking powder, and pandan juice or extract. The batter is then poured into a tube pan, which gives the cake its signature shape, and baked until it is fluffy and golden brown.

The texture of Pandan Chiffon Cake is delicate and soft, with a slightly springy and bouncy quality that comes from the whipped egg whites. The pandan flavor is subtle but distinct, with hints of coconut and vanilla, and the aroma is fragrant and sweet.

The Origin

Pandan Chiffon Cake is a popular dessert that is widely enjoyed in Southeast Asia, particularly in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. While the exact origin of the cake is not clear, it is generally believed to have been invented in the 1940s or 1950s by a Chinese baker living in Southeast Asia.

At the time, ingredients such as butter and milk were scarce and expensive in the region, so the baker had to improvise by using local ingredients to create a cake that was both light and flavorful. Pandan, a plant commonly found in the region, was used to add both flavor and color to the cake, while the use of oil instead of butter helped to create a lighter texture.

The baker is said to have used a chiffon cake recipe as the basis for the Pandan Chiffon Cake, which is why the cake has a similar light and airy texture. The cake became an instant hit in Southeast Asia, and it has since become a beloved dessert in the region, with many variations and adaptations developed over the years.

Today, Pandan Chiffon Cake is a staple of Southeast Asian cuisine and is enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. It is often served at special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and holidays, and it has also gained popularity in other parts of the world, where it is appreciated for its unique flavor and texture.

Variations and Tips:

Perfect Pandan Chiffon Cake


Coconut Pandan Chiffon Cake: Add some coconut milk or shredded coconut to the batter to give the cake a more tropical flavor and texture.

Chocolate Pandan Chiffon Cake: Add some cocoa powder to the batter to create a chocolate-pandan fusion cake.

Mango Pandan Chiffon Cake: Top the cake with fresh mango slices or add some mango puree to the batter to create a sweet and fruity flavor.

Matcha Pandan Chiffon Cake: Add some matcha powder to the batter to create a green tea-pandan flavor combination.


Use fresh pandan leaves whenever possible, as they will provide the most authentic flavor and aroma. If fresh pandan leaves are not available, you can use pandan extract or pandan paste.

Be sure to separate the eggs carefully and avoid getting any egg yolk in the egg whites, as this can prevent the egg whites from whipping up properly.

Be gentle when folding the whipped egg whites into the batter, as overmixing can cause the cake to lose its light and airy texture.

Use a tube pan for baking the cake, as this will help the cake to rise properly and maintain its shape.

To prevent the cake from sticking to the pan, be sure to grease the pan well and then dust it with flour or sugar.

Allow the cake to cool completely before removing it from the pan to prevent it from collapsing.

Store the cake in an airtight container at room temperature for up to three days.


  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup pandan juice or pandan extract
  • 1 1/2 cups cake flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 6 egg whites
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

Perfect Pandan Chiffon Cake


Preheat the oven to 325°F (165°C).
In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until light and creamy.
Add the vegetable oil and pandan juice or extract to the bowl and whisk until well combined.
Sift the cake flour, baking powder, and salt into the bowl and mix until the batter is smooth.
In a separate bowl, use an electric mixer to beat the egg whites and cream of tartar until they form stiff peaks.
Gently fold the whipped egg whites into the batter using a rubber spatula, being careful not to overmix.
Pour the batter into an ungreased tube visage and smooth the top with a spatula. Sing the cutlet for 50- 60 twinkles, or until a toothpick fitted into the center of the cutlet comes out clean. Remove the cutlet from the roaster and reverse the visage onto a cooling rack. Allow the cutlet to cool fully before removing it from the visage and slicing it.
Note: To make pandan juice, blend about 20 fresh or frozen pandan leaves with 1/2 cup water until the mixture is smooth. Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any solids, and then use the liquid as the pandan juice in the recipe. If you are using pandan extract or paste, use about 1 tablespoon for this recipe.
